Male entertainment perhaps?

This is going to be an interesting one researching. Last night of freedom, means traditionally exposing the hen to men... scantily clad men perhaps?

Where do I start?

Gosh, try googling 'male strippers' and you get quite a few options. For the sake of research, I had to check out some really dodgy websites, here's the 'nicer' of the dodgy ones.

Levi - Anyone who calls himself Auckland's hottest male stripper & has a strap line like "the gift that unwraps itself', got to make it to the top of the list. His scrapbook looks pretty impressive and he was even on KiwiFire (anyone remember or watch that old reality show?). He's got a range of services as well, you can choose from a basic strip ($200 for 2 songs) to to the combo option (strip & 1 hour of waiting for $300).

Levi appears top of the list again on ' NZ Male Strippers - NZ's One & Only Exclusive Male Stripper Directory' . He's about the only Auckland option though.

There are a couple of male review shows as well if that's what takes your fancy, there's Bad Boys New Zealand and Men of Steel - where guess who makes an appearance? Yes, Levi again.

Much as Levi intrigues me, I can't get past his goatee, and Nan may well do some serious harm to me if I get a stripper... so the hunt continues

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